As I mentioned before, for the week that I used The Wedding Workout, I followed the schedule set out for Strapless Dresses. The pre-built workout was scheduled as:
Mon- upper-body, cardio
Tues- abs & core
Wed- lower-body, cardio
Thurs- upper-body, abs & core, cardio
Fri- lower-body
Sat- upper-body, cardio, love your honeymoon
Sun- rest
I normally take Thursdays as my rest day, so I switched that around. Also instead of one of the lower body days, I did a custom workout with abs & core followed by cardio.
- The pre-built workouts take the guesswork out of workout scheduling. You're not left trying to remember which day to do cardio and which day to do sculpting. All you have to remember is what day of the week it is, and you're workout is all planned out
- The option to custom build your workouts is pretty darn cool. If you wanted to do the cardio five times in a row, then you just click on cardio five times, press start, and go. If you like your cardio before your sculpting (instead of how the pre-built workouts are programmed), then you can use the custom feature to build the workout the way you like it.
- I really liked some of the moves in the sculpting routines. I've never seen angled bicep curls (not that I've done many workout videos), and I loved them. All in all, I found the moves in the sculpting routines to be effective, and my muscles did feel fatigued after most sets.
- Marie is great at cuing. She always cues ahead of time, so it was easy to keep up with her the first time through.
- The workouts all followed the tempo of the music (which reminded me of video game tunes, fwiw), so it was easy to keep my mind off reps. I just concentrated on keeping with the beat.
- Marie breaks down the moves slowly before taking you to tempo. This helps a lot with form and technique, and it helped me ensure that I was doing to moves correctly.
- I liked that the workouts were broken down by body area. Even if the workouts were only about ten minutes, the full ten minutes were dedicated to that one area of the body.
- The workouts were too short to feel very effective to me. Even though my muscles felt like they were being worked during the video, after I was done I didn't feel like I had worked out at all.
- Marie is perky and upbeat, but I was over her after the first couple days. Her cues were like annoying songs that get stuck in your head just because of the rhythm. Really. I had "grapevine! grapevine!" and "over to the right right here!" stuck in my head some mornings. Not something I really want stuck in my head, honestly.
- The cardio wasn't very intense. It had a couple good moments, but the majority of it was very easy. If you're more into the sculpting than the cardio, then you probably wont mind, but I like a bit more cardio in my routine.
Overall, it looks like the good things outnumber the bad, but the bad characteristics were enough to make me give up on this one early. While I honestly think that the workouts in this set are good, the fact that I wasn't feeling any effects of working out was very discouraging for me. Since the whole point of my doing this challenge was for me to find videos that would encourage me to keep going, I felt that the doubts I was having about The Wedding Workout were enough to warrant giving up on it. Even before the week was over I was discussing my doubts with the mister and trying to figure out ways to make it work. In the end, it was my solution to the problem that caused me to decide to stop using The Wedding Workout after only one week.
All in all, I think that The Wedding Workout is a good, solid workout, but it just wasn't for me. It may be better suited to those already in good shape since the workouts didn't seem strenuous enough to cause any great weight loss.
The replacement: Yoga Booty Ballet
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